Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Act Like A Lodge 3/7/08

What is wrong with this picture?

Nothing. Except that there are no people in it. A Masonic Lodge is not a meeting hall or a room. It is the PEOPLE that make a Masonic Lodge.

Wickipedia says:

Freemasons gather together as a Lodge to work the three basic Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Mason.
That is it. That is what we do. However we should be doing so much more than that. I was visiting with a Brother on the phone tonight and I stole the above title from him. We were discussing the number of Masons who leave our fraternity, not having found what they were looking for here. If all we do as Masons is what the above says perhaps we deserve to have them leave.

There are Masons who think that performing ritual is all that we should do. I disagree. And so does my Grand Lodge. Through the Lodge Service Committee's Lodge of the Year Program you will see that there are a number of other things a Lodge should do. Among them(but not limited to just these) are:

  1. Lodge sponsors an activity which includes prospective members.
  2. The lodge uses it's Charity Fund for a worthy cause.
  3. The Lodge sponsors scholarship(s) for high school seniors or donates to an elementary or middle school.
  4. Lodge is involved in a local community cause (e.g. - a gift of money or contribution of man hours) or holds a fund-raising activitywith at least 1/2 of the proceeds used for a local charitable cause or applied to one of the Grand Lodge Trust Funds.
  5. Visit another lodge's Stated Communication, Degree Nightor special events, such as a Table Lodge or Friendship Night, with atleast three of your own members
  6. Lodge holds a fund raiser and donates the proceeds to "Hope Lodge."
  7. The lodge participates in two Community Involvement / VisibilityProjects
  8. Lodge hosts a social event with families included.
  9. Lodge issues a newsletter to all members at least twice a year.
  10. Lodge hosts an Open Installation of Officers
  11. Lodge hosts a special night to honor a group in the community
  12. Lodge hosts a function for Masons only - e.g: Rusty Nail Night,P.M. Night, Table Lodge, etc.
In addition there are points assigned for conferring all three degrees, attending special meetings held by the Grand Lodge, filing reports on time, etc. All things which are expected of every Lodge. Lodges work to do these things (and more) to be designated as a "Lodge of the Year."

So, you can see that there are a lot of things that a Lodge should "do" and that the lodge should do well. In addition to conferring the degrees they should "enroll" the new members or get them involved. There should be activities for them to participate in and get involved with so that they will connect with the rest of the members.

Lodges who do not do these things are not really Lodges. They are just social "clubs" and don't really deserve the designation Lodge. A "lodge" is usually a meeting place or dwelling. Originally it was an insubstantial house or dwelling, erected as a seasonal habitation or for some temporary occupational purpose, such as woodcutting. In this sense the word is currently used to describe accommodations for sportsmen during hunting season and for recreationists, such as skiers.

In a very real sense the Masonic Lodge should be a place of community a place where the Brothers can "commune" with one another and can feel at home and secure. They should not want to leave due either to boredom or because of conflict among the members. They should find something there that is found no where else - a sense of belonging to one of the greatest groups ever designed by men.

A "Lodge" is not a room or a building, It is not a place to hold once a month boring business meetings and then walk away until the next month. The Lodge should/could be a center for our lives. If it is not perhaps it does not deserve the designation Lodge. Perhaps a different word i.e. club or society should be substituted and perhaps it should be closed.

Certainly the Lodge is a place where the three degrees of Masonry are worked. But it should be so much more than that. It should be a place of contemplation where a man can study, with his fellows, the business of becoming a man and a Mason.

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