Saturday, June 23, 2012

Way Back Machine 10/11/12

One of the things about the Masonic Fraternity is that there is a lot of room for people to participate, work ritual, go through the line and eventually become the "leader of the pack."  You really can't run for office.  You get elected if you have participated and if it is your "turn"  and you haven't royally messed up.  Of course once you are the Master of the Lodge or the High Priest of the Chapter, etc. you get to pick the program for the year and decide what activities will take place or you can decide that you will just have stated meetings and degree work (if anyone decides to join) and everyone tells you "It is your decision, you are the Master of the Lodge."  

And so no matter what happens he will have the right to use the phrase in the poster above.  And most do. - It can be even worse if you were head of a Grand Body.  (BTW that just means State Organization.  Nothing really "grand" about it.  Just bigger and that is what Grand really means,,Big)  Except they say Back when I was Grand (Master, High Priest, Commander, etc. and then they go into a tirade, comment, story designed to let you know that they were so much better at being the _________________(fill in the blank with your choice) than you will ever be.

Another phenomenon in the Masonic Fraternity is what I call Masonic Generals.  These are the guys represented by the poster on the right. This is the person who joins all the Masonic Organizations he can and then collects "honors" or awards.  Sometimes these are for work, for participation, for being the past head, joust for joining.  And there are those who wear everyone they are entitled ot wear them.  They wear 5 to 10 lapel pins on both lapels or on just one lapel (and then they are lopsided. One guy even gave a speech at a meeting I was at about how everybody who belongs to any organization should wear all their pins and awards all the time.  I think that is the reason I only wear one.  Or if I am in my tuxedo none.

Back in 1980 I was Master of My Lodge and I did everything I could to make it a good year.  We did have a good year.  I did not operate by the dictatorial method but used the cooperative technique that I described in this article.  

The following year I was Grand High Priest.  And I had a good year.  I had an official portrait taken which has disappeared (I always accused Mother of throwing it away)  but I do have one wallet size left which I scanned in so I could share it.   I can say, "When I was Master of...." and "When I was Grand High Priest" with the best of them. Of course I never say that.  I just sit quietly in judgement and tsk tsk when they mess up.

Actually I don't do that.  I have tried my best to not give advice unless asked and to keep my nose out of the politics.  When I  was Master and Grand High Priest I had a friend who could recite the following from memory.  He kept me grounded and every once in awhile I would have hm recite this for me

Feeling Important?

Sometimes when you're feeling important,

Sometimes when your ego's in bloom,

Sometime when you take it for granted,
You're the best qualified in the room;
Sometimes when you feel that your going
Would leave an unfillable hole,
Just follow these simple instructions
And see how they humble your soul.
Take a bucket and till it with water
Put your hand in it up to the wrist,
Pull it out, and the hole that's remaining
Is the measure of how you'll be missed.
You can splash all you want when you enter,
You may stir up the water galore;
But stop, and you'll find that in no time
It looks quite the same as before.
The moral in this quaint example
Is to do just the best that you can;
Be proud of yourself, but remember
There's no indispensable man.

Besides everyone knows that it is actually the Secretary of the lodge who runs things AND HE IS THE TRUE INDISPENSIBLE MAN.

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