Larry had this posted on his Blog. He said it was for me so I don't have any problem stealing it and since I don't have anything to say tonight here it is.
Q. How many Masons does it take to change a light bulb?
A. After much research this tricky question can now be answered. It takes 20, as follows:So then I went into the archives to find some more in this vein.
2 to complain that the light doesn't work.
1 to pass the problem to either another committee, the Temple Board or the Master of the Lodge.
3 to do a study on light in the Lodge.
2 to check out the types of lights the Knights of Columbus use.
3 to argue about it.
5 to plan a fund-raising dinner to raise money for the bulb.
2 to complain that "that_s not the way we did it before."
1 to borrow a ladder, donate the bulb and install it.
1 to order the brass memorial plate and have it inscribed.
Q: How many Masons does it take to change a light
A: Four: One to announce in due form the changing of
the light bulb. A second at the will and pleasure to
actually change the light bulb. A third to accurately
record minutes of the bulb changing. And a forth to
talk about how it was light bulbs were changed 40
years ago.
--Far be it for me to argue with a more learned Mason than I, particularly one who is a charter and only member of the Order of Whatever, but I think you missed some. How about the committee of three to investigate whether a light is needed in that particular area and if their report is positive then a committee of three is needed to search for the best price on light bulbs. After the bulb is purchased you need some good Mason to proclaim loudly & at great length that he "could have gotten the bulb cheaper." Adding 7 to your 4, I come up with 11 and I may have missed some.
A: Masons . . . change ???
NY A: Masons . . . change ???
CT A: Can't tell ya, it’s a secret.
Dutch masonic way:
What electric light??? Are they crazy??
Very difficult question to answer, for first you must determine how many Brothers will be asked to join the committee (which of course must be cleared first with the District Inspector and if there are multiple lights in contention, the Grand Lodge will have to be contacted to ascertain
whether or not any infringement of the applicable Masonic Codes are possibly being invaded and if that is potentially unlawful under the jurisdiction procedures then the entire matter must be held over for the next Annual Communication where each viable Lodge may have the opportunity to offer their own unique input on the matter) that would henceforward be titled Lights: A Necessity In The 21st Century? .
Sometimes it's easier to just turn the lights out and practice Parking Lot Masonry.
Speaking of Masons. One of my Lodge Brothers has announced that he is running for Ames City Council - He has a web site here. It was announced in tonight's Ames Paper here.
I was wrong about Bailey. My sister corrected me. He is only 14 and he is back to normal. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, j
or Lutherans.