TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2010
Try Pride!

In 1981, I was installed as Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Iowa. The remarks I made at that time are reproduced (with one sentence added) below. I am posting it because I fear no one listened. At that time we had over 10,000 Royal Arch Masons in the State of Iowa. Today the number has dropped to 2,800. Something needs to be done. I still think the following ideas are a part of the solution. I just hope it is not too late
Most of us are proud that we are Masons. Many of us wear the emblem of the fraternity on our rings, belt buckles and coats as a mark of that pride. Many of us are proud of the fact that we are also York Rite Masons.
We are proud of our membership in the York Rite but I ask you – Do we show it? Do we convey our pride in our organization to each other and to the non-member? Do we show our pride by attending meetings and getting involved in doing everything we can to support the programs of the presiding officer and the Companions and Sir Knights who are working in the various degrees? Do we make the effort to show new members that we are supportive of the York Rite by being on the sidelines even when we don’t have an active part in the degree?
Some Companions and Sir Knights do –others carry the title only and do nothing to support the Lodge, Chapter, Council or Commandery.
“Apathy is a dread disease – even nations die of it.” The York Rite will also die from it unless a general turnaround occurs.
You as a presiding officer or a future presiding officer have a lot to say about the enthusiasm of your membership. If you show no pride in your work – if you do not have a planned program that fosters participation from a crew of willing workers, you will see less and less participation in the Rite and eventually you will see the organization wither and die on the vine from lack of good nutrients.
What are some of the nutrients for a successful York Rite Organization?
PROGRAM – I put program ahead of ritual for growth. You must have good ritual and good ritualists are important but in this day and age good ritual alone will not generate the pride of membership necessary for growth and the continuance of the fraternity.
Program – properly planned and publicized will help generate the pride of belonging which will attract new members to our ranks. Something every other month will help. Not only that, it will help the Companions and Sir Knights to feel the desire to participate in the York Rite. In our modern world, people are crying for something to get involved with – something they can be successful at so they can have the pride of accomplishment. The York Rite can give them that.
RITUAL - Good ritual well rehearsed and performed with realism and drama will also generate pride. Nothing is worse than going to a meeting and seeing people who do not care about the job they do as ritualists. We have impressive degrees and Orders and they should be presented that way. The words are important but the drama and the meaning are much more important.
Our candidates have seen much good drama with exposure to television, movies and plays. They know what good acting is and a ritualist is essentially an actor. He is taking part in a play – a play designed to convey great moral lessons and he should always remember that fact. Nothing will turn a new member off quicker than sloppy ritual – delivered in a singsong or unnatural manner. Ritual with many promptings or mispronunciations or non-articulated delivery. Nothing will generate more enthusiasm and pride than good ritual dramatically presented full of important meaning for his life.
INTEREST – Officers and members must display an interest in the Rite and its meetings if they expect new members to become interested. Interest isn’t just showing up at meetings, it is active support of the Rite, its programs and members
DEDICATION – Without this important ingredient, the principles of our Rite will soon be lost. The Rite will become like something written down and stored on a shelf or studied by the College of Rites once or twice a year – a historical rite and not a living viable one active in today’s world.
ENTHUSIASM – The capstone of our ingredients. It is not enough to have a good program and ritual, to display an interest and to be dedicated. We must be enthusiastic. We must work together as officers and members to generate enthusiasm among all members, enthusiasm which will keep our Rite active and viable. We must be more than caretakers – we must be disciples.
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The potential of the York Rite is tremendous. Our brothers of the Scottish Rite have learned the lesson of Pride and Enthusiasm long ago and display it in their daily lives. It is time that we did the same.
Labels: Masonic Editorial