Specialis Procer
In Specialis Procer one of our "customs" as a Lodge of Restoration we ask the candidate to undergo a Chamber of Reflection.
Solitary in the Chamber of Reflection, our prospective initiate can ponder on the questions presented to him, on his life, and future. Therefore, the reflection to which the title of this Chamber refers, is not just the pondering of the candidate, but primarily the reflection of his own inner being.
Friday night was the first time we had conferred a degree on one of our own candidates. Our Candidate is now Brother Severen and the Degree was a very nice one. I seriously doubt that any degree given anywhere is ever given without error.
Our ritual, however was very impressive. The Brethren assembled in the Classroom of the Scottish Rite Masonic Center for a 6:30 PM start time of the degree. We perform our ritual in dark suits and wear white gloves. The room is a very impressive place to hold Lodge. The vaulted ceiling adds to the ambiance and the room makes me feel that we are a part of tradition that goes back hundreds of years to early Masonry.
It was very nice to have our Deputy Grand Secretary with us for the degree and he stepped in at the last minute to help us with our work. We had a long Apron Lecture, a Golden Vase Lecture and the Third Section Slide lecture as a part of the evening. Sometimes the addition of these items to the degree make the brothers feel that the degree is taking too long but everything moved right along and we were finished in good time.
Kurt and Severen were best friends in High School and Kurt was beside him for the degree as Senior Deacon. He did a great job in a difficult position. Not difficult in hard to remember but difficult in the floor work and making the Candidate feel comfortable. All in all it was a very enjoyable evening and about 8 of us out to eat.