Saturday, June 23, 2012

Masonry's Detractors 5/1/12 - Grand Lodge Response

Rabbit, Rabbit/Freemasonry

First of all because this is the first day of the month I have a picture to place:
Rabbit Rabbit


There is an effort in Iowa by a group to disparage the Masonic Lodge and the work that we do.  There are manila envelopes being taped to Lodge doors with copied material inside designed to convince us that we are devil worshiping evil persons.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
I read some of the material and aside from the spelling errors and misinformation it is pretty laughable.  They have taken material fron Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma which was written in the last half of the 19th century and tried to call us out on things which they took out of context.  They went to a lot of work to try and prove their falsehoods and failed miserably.  If anyone wants to discuss Freemasonry there are members who will be glad to tell you about who we are and what we do,  There are authorized Web Sites with good information.  There are excellent books that have been written about our Society.  All are out there for the serious student.  For those paranoid individuals who want to slink around taping envelopes of unsigned materials on our Lodge Doors they should expect that what will happen to that material is that it will be filed in a circular file.

Oh and there are meetings you can attend if you want to.  Sunday the Lodge in Ames held a pancake day to raise money for our Scholarship Fund.  The Scholarship is given annually to a graduating Senior from the Ames or Gilbert Schools.  You can even attend Installations of Officers and will hear much of our material that is not private at that meeting.

One of the impressive  ceremonies is the laying of Cornerstones.  George Washington in the character of a Master Mason laid the Cornerstone of the United State Capital.  In Ames the Grand Lodge has placed Cornerstones for the Ames Middle School, the Social Security Building and will place one for the new addition to the First United Methodist Church later this month.  That is what we do - We work together as men to make good men better and to improve our churches, our communities, and always our family.  Anybody want to talk we will be glad to do so.


  1. Operative Lodge in Polk City received one of those envelopes on Wednesday.

    Grand Lodge Response

    Sometime ago I wrote a post about the anonymous manila envelopes that have been placed on the lodge room doors. You can read it here.

    Now the Grand Lodge has sent out the following:

    Subject: A Note From Grand Master Levay

    Dear Brother, It appears our detractors have decided to attack us here in Iowa .  I have been made aware that a document is being posted on the doors of some lodges detailing their assertion that Masonry encourages the worship of Satan.  I also received an anonymous letter making the same assertions.  Brethren if you encounter an individual doing this please, please, please do not accost them or respond to them in any way.  Ignoring the ignorant is probably the best policy on this one.  I am always struck with the thought that if it wasn’t for the influence of our Masonic forefathers at the time of the formation of our constitution, these people wouldn’t even have the right to form the churches that espouse this garbage.  At least we stand up for what we believe and not hide behind anonymous accusations posted as though by a thief in the night. Fraternally, Jerry L. LevayGrand Master of Masons in Iowa

    Seem like good advice to me. 

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