Monday, June 18, 2012

Visiting Mason 8/6/07

Thanks to Kevin for this:

A Mason is on a business trip. One night he stops in a small Indiana town. He wants to know if there is Lodge to visit, so he takes a walk through the town and after some time he finds a lane called "Mason's Road".

Thinking it might lead to the Masonic Temple, he follows it. At the end he sees a building, which looks somewhat rotten and seems to have been out of use for quite a while.

He tries to open the door and, surprisingly, it is not locked. He goes inside and finds dust and spider webs everywhere.

In front of a door there sits a skeleton, wearing an apron and collar, holding a sword in its hand.

"Oh my God", thinks the Brother and enters the Lodge room.

He's horrified to see skeletons with collars and aprons everywhere.
The Worshipful Master, the Wardens, the Organist, Deacons - all skeletons.

He looks around and goes to the seats of the Secretary and Treasurer.

Under the hand of the Treasurer he finds a small piece of paper, a little note, which seems to have been passed to him by the Secretary.

He picks up the note, blows away the dust and reads:




"You know, if nobody prompts the Worshipful Master., we'll all be sitting here forever."

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